Online Education and Innovation Team

"Helping faculty prepare to designated teach effective - no, excellent - online courses can and should be a primary goal of educational developers and institutional leadership." Flower Darby, Small Teaching Online

Deirdre Christofalo

Deirdre Christofalo | Associate Provost and Dean of the School of Professional Studies and Innovation
Office location:  1301 Main Street
Office phone: (610) 861-1374







David Castaneda

David Castañeda | Director of Online Education, Online Education and Innovation
Office location:  remote
Office phone: (610) 625-7744





Liz Tate

Elizabeth Tate | Lead Instructional Technologist; Online Education and Innovation
Office location: remote
Office phone: (610) 861-1633





Nathan Furman

Nathan Furman | Instructional Designer; Online Education and Innovation
Office location: remote
Office phone: (610) 625-7133