Student Accountability and Conflict Transformation
Why Conflict Transformation?
Conflict Transformation is a goal that asks for us all to do more than just resolve or manage conflict. Where resolution and management focus on resolving a singular issue or merely keeping the conflict at bay, conflict transformation seeks to educate and influence individuals and communities in conflict to understand the underlying issues to make lasting and meaningful changes. Conflict CAN be healthy in ways that lead us to fresh perspectives and broader communication.
Mission Statement
The Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Transformation fosters a safe and inclusive campus community by educating students on their responsibility to uphold the community standards of Moravian University. Using a restorative and developmental framework, we empower students to be accountable for their actions' impact and resolve conflict effectively.
Philosophy Statement
The philosophy and approach to student accountability at Moravian University is educational, focusing on student learning through individual growth and personal responsibility. Our goal is to help and encourage students to be successful citizens of their communities. Students take many steps through life’s journey that positively contribute to this goal, but there will invariably be some missteps as well. Violations of Moravian University policy, as outlined in the Community Standards section of the Student Code of Conduct, are examples of steps away from the individual's goals and from the Moravian University Community.