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Office of Spirituality and Inclusion

The Office of Spirituality and Inclusion seeks to form connections creating an inclusive community that honors diversity and engages in spiritual dialogue in the pursuit of supporting and preparing students for a reflective life in a world of change. The chaplain provides opportunities for worship, discussion, fellowship, education, and personal growth.  In addition, they are available for counseling. Learn more about chaplaincy and what they do here!

Weekly Schedule While Classes Are In Session


  • 12pm-1pm, Catholics on Campus, Collier 200
  • 8pm-9pm, Athletes of Faith, Johnston Classroom


  • 12pm-1pm, Chat with the Chaplain, PPHAC Atrium


Religious Holidays Calendar

Click this link to subscribe to a Google Calendar that includes Religious Holidays for the upcoming Academic Year!

Rev. Jennika Borger and Larisa Fava

Meet with the Office of Spirituality and Inclusion!

Moravian University's Office of Spirituality and Inclusion, Rev. Jennika Borger and Kayce Fava, regularly meet with the community.

To make an appointment:

Call: 610-861-1583

Connect With Us on Social Media
