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Seminary Scholarship Fund

The Seminary Scholarship Fund (SSF) is Moravian Theological Seminary’s largest scholarship fund and source of unrestricted aid for our academically qualified students to help make their Seminary education affordable. Your gift to the SSF provides financial aid to our students in the following fiscal year.

Gifts to the SSF are an investment in our students and their call to serve, supporting their preparation for effective leadership and service in congregational, chaplaincy, and other ministries, as well as teaching and spiritual formation and direction.

For $12,500, a donor can create an annual giving scholarship that provides general aid to help support academically qualified Seminary students. An annual giving scholarship is an immediate way for alumni and friends to help fund a Moravian student’s education.

Why establish an annual giving scholarship?

“We continue to support the Seminary now through the Seminary Scholarship Fund as lifetime giving society members. Teaching as an adjunct professor and [my wife] Deborah’s participation as an auditor of classes add value to our lives and constantly remind us of the high quality of students Moravian Seminary is sending out to give leadership to the church, their communities, and the world.”

—The Rev. Dr. Walter H. Wagner