Joanne McKeown
Professor of French and Department Chair
- B.A., Niagara University
- M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia
Email: mckeownj@moravian.edu
Phone: 610-861-1396
Office: Comenius Hall, Room 407
Areas of Research and/or Expertise
Seventeenth-century and Eighteenth-century French Literature; Eighteenth-century novels and by French women; Pedagogies for developing over-all proficiency in a second language; Translation Studies.
Dr. Joanne McKeown teaches a wide range of courses in French and, until Fall, 2021, mentored student teachers in modern languages. Wide-ranging curricular demands of a small department have made Dr. McKeown a generalist. Her commitment to modern language study has resulted in numerous conference presentations about effective teaching methodologies. Under her leadership Moravian became a host institution for a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant from France for the Academic year, 2018-19. Dr. McKeown published a lengthy scholarly translation in 2008 involving extensive research in France’s Haute-Savoie region; the project led to related journal articles, conference papers and course development. As Advisor of the French Club Dr. McKeown supports student initiatives to enjoy aspects of Francophone culture, including live French theatre performances and film. She regularly travels to France and other Francophone areas of the world including Quebec, Martinique, and Belgium.
Selected Publications
- Despine and the Evolution of Psychology: Historical and Medical Perspectives on Dissociative Disorders Primary Translator and author of Translators’ Preface, Joanne M. McKeown, Ph.D., with Catherine G. Fine, Ph.D. as Secondary Translator and Carole Koepke Brown, Ph.D., as volunteer editor. Fully Annotated Translation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Press, 2008.
- “Tempered Witness to the Power of the Soul: Four Novels of Enlightenment France” in French Women Authors: the Significance of the Spiritual. Co-editors: Drs. Kelsey Haskett and Deborah Sullivan-Trainor. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2013.
- “Immigration, Integration and Change: What the Translation of One Child’s Journey to Health Reveals About Movement, Risk and Personal Transformation.” Shippensburg Journal of Modern Languages, Issue 5, 2017, pp. 71-79. (peer-reviewed)
- “Récit des eaux qui soignent: Introduction à la vie devote de François de Sales, et Les soins thermaux en Savoie” - “Narratives of Healing Waters: Saint Francis de Sales’s Introduction à la vie devote and Thermal Treatments in Savoy” in Arts et Mémoires, for the Société d’Arts de d’Histoire d’Aix-les-Bains (2016): 13-23. (reviewed by an editorial board)
- “Restoring Literary Wholeness to the Fragmented Account of Antoine Despine’s Magnetic Cure of Estelle L’Hardy’s Dissociative Disorder.” International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, followed by a favorable theoretical commentary by John G., Watkins, Ph.D. 55, 4 (2007): 486-498. (peer-reviewed)
- “Visions as Illness and Inspiration: Young Estelle L’Hardy and Sister Anne-Catherine Emmerich in works of Doctor Antoine Despine and Poet Clemens Brentano.” Journal of Christianity and Foreign Languages. 7 (2006): 29-43. (peer-reviewed)
- For the Journal of Moravian History, 18.2, 2018. Pierre Conrad Fries. Le Réveil des coeurs: Journal de voyage du frère morave Fries. Languedoc, Béarn, Guyenne, Saintonge, Angoumois, Poitou 1761-1762. Edited by Dieter Gembicki and Heidi Gembicki-Achtnich. Saintes: Le Croît Vif, 2013. 521 pp. ISBN: 978-2361994365, € 29,00
Selected Honors Projects Supervised by Dr. McKeown:
- Student author Carol Hanna: Imagination and Dreams: Overcoming Hardship in Gisele Pineau's Novels for Young Adults (2017-2018)
- Student author Miranda Cooper: Femme Savante or Leisure Painter: Translating the Text of Catherine Perrot (2011-2012)
Selected SOAR Projects supervised by Dr. McKeown:
- Student author Carlie Lambert: "Mentoring Student Teachers: Making This Important Work Succeed." Student presentation at American Association of Teacher's of French, AATF, Quebec 2011.
- Student Translator Kimberly Mabry: "Translation of Biographie d'Antoine Despine (1777-1852)." (2005).
- Student Translator Lauren Anderson: "Translation of Biographie d'Antoine Despine (1777-1852) - Part II." (2006).
100 Introductory French I
105 Introductory French II
110 Elementary French III
210 Multi-modal Texts: The Individual and Society
215 Multi-modal Texts: Nature, Leisure and Technology
225 French Connections: Letters and Culinary Arts
241 Survey of French and Francophone Literatures
260 Doing Business with the French and Francophone Worlds
295 Crises at the Theatre: Survey of Francophone Dramatic Works
350 Conformists and Rebels: Selected works from Seventeenth and Eighteenth-century France
353 A Role of Her Own: Works by French and Francophone Women
39x ST: Survey of French and Francophone Literature
395 ST: Drama at the Theatre: Survey of Dramatic Works in French
396 ST: Translation as Art and Skill