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Moravian University Magazine - Summer 2023

Portrait of an Artist — Nokukhanya Langa '13 steps onto the world stage

Also in this issue, after the Allentown Symphony Orchestra launched a new music competition for composers throughout southeastern Pennsylvania, Moravian students Grace Young ’23 and Ryan Anderson ’25 scored winning compositions.



Master Artist

At the Centre Pompidou in Paris and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp, paintings by Nokukhanya Langa ’13
hang alongside those of world-renowned artists. It’s an achievement that once seemed improbable.

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Student Composers Score a Win

Music composition majors Grace Young ’23 and Ryan Anderson ’25 scored original
compositions that were performed live by Allentown Symphony Orchestra musicians.

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The Collier sons (from left): Mike, Tom, and Ed

Lighting the Way:
The Campaign for Moravian University

Meet our supporters who are lighting the way for
our students, their future, and the next generation.

Creating a Space for Peace and Renewal
(Dr. Herman E. Collier Jr. P'86 and Jerline W. Collier P'86)

Running Toward a Bright Future
(Joshua Mangini '24)

Celebrating Community and Creativity
(Honnie Spencer, MD '90)


Class Notes

What are your fellow Hounds up to? Find out the latest updates here.

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PLUS: Lauren Steinert '20 Debuts in Broadway National Tour

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