Moravian University Magazine - Summer 2022
In this issue, we take you on a tour of our storied trees—from an elm that might be as old as the university itself to a rare species named for Benjamin Franklin.
As our academic programs continue to grow, we appreciate how Moravian continues to defy the trend of declining enrollment that is plaguing colleges and universities nationwide. Much of this growth is because our faculty continue to provide hands-on, problem-based learning. Read about a unique Experimental Archeology course led by our distinguished history faculty, then travel to Bangladesh to learn how economics professor Dr. Sonia Aziz hopes to use data from NASA to fight cholera.
Our Storied Trees
Moravian University is home to more than 1,200 trees with an asset value totaling almost $9 million.
Explore several of our most notable trees and the stories surrounding them.
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A Class to Dye For
Experimental Archaeology's hands-on history lures students who want to dig their fingers into the past.
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Fighting Cholera with
Satellites and Smartphones
How a Moravian University economics professor hopes to use data from NASA to ease the suffering from waterborne disease in Bangladesh.
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