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Heikki Lempa

Comenius Hall
Prof. Lempa

Dr. Heikki Lempa

Professor of History, Priscilla Payne Hurd Chair in the Arts and Humanities

Office: Comenius Hall 307
Phone: 610-861-1315


Filosofian tohtori, University of Turku, Finland
Ph.D., University of Chicago


My new project, tentatively titled, The Bodies of the Others. A History of German Sports, Medicine, and Dance in a Global Context, 1700-1914 is an attempt to understand the global entanglements of the German body and its practices. I am also involved in a project that introduces the field of health humanities into the study of German eighteenth-century culture and society.

Student Research Projects

  • Was the French Revolution a Religious Revolution? Maximilien Robespierre and the Religion of the Supreme Being, (SOAR, 2021)
  • Chinese and Indian Medicine and the West, 1500-1900, (Research 2020-2021)
  • Ballet or Court Dance? Exploring the Foundations of the Classical Ballet in the Court of Louis XIV, 1650-1700, (SOAR, 2020) 
  • Moravians and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Caribbean, (Research 2019-2020)
  • Max Schmeling: The Making of a Masculine Icon (1924-1938), (Honors, 2019-2020)
  • Moravian Life Histories,(SOAR, 2017)
  • Global Medicine and Sports and Germany, 1500-1900, (Research 2016-2018)
  • Spaces of Honor, Making of German Civil Society, 1700-1914, (Research 2015-2017)
  • Practices of Masculinity in Germany, 118-1934, (Honors, 2015-2016)

Current Research

My new project, tentatively titled, The Bodies of the Others. A History of German Sports, Medicine, and Dance in a Global Context, 1700-1914 is an attempt to understand the global entanglements of the German body and its practices. 


      Feelings Materialized book cover   Self, Community, World book cover   Beyond the Gymnasium book cover    Bildung der Triebe book cover   

Selected Publications


Articles and Chapters:

  • "Civil Society and the Embodiment of Authority" in Staging Authority. Presentation and Power in Nineteenth-Century Europe. A Handbook. Edited by Eva Giloi, Martin Kohlrauschh, Heikki Lempa, Heidi Mehrkens, Philipp Nielsen. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022, 395-416.
  • "From Honor to Bildung. Rethinking the Body in Making German Civil Society, 1750-1850" Journal of Modern European History 20 (2022): 44/58.
  • "The Body in Motion: The Image of Man in Physical Education in Late Eighteenth-Century Schnepfenthal" in the Anatomy of the Medical Image. Knowledge Production and Transfiguration from the Renaissance to Today. Edited by Christiane Weller and Axel Fliethmann. Leiden: Brill, 2021, 95-111.
  • "Emotions and Material Interests in the Sales Talk of German Spa Guides, 1830-1900" in Feelings Materialized. Emotions, Bodies, and Things in Modern Germany, eds. Derek Hillard, Russell Spinney, Heikki Lempa. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020, 155-67.
  • "Introduction" in Feelings Materialized. Emotions, Bodies, and Things in Modern Germany, eds. Derek Hillard, Russell Spinney, Heikki Lempa. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020, 1-21.
  • “Emotions, Gender, and the Body. The Case of Nineteenth-Century German Spa Towns” in Deborah Simonton, ed. Routledge History Handbook of Gender and the Urban Experience. London: Routledge, 2017, 362-73.
  • “Techniques of Epicurean Masculinity: The Playing Method in German Education, 1774-1820" in Katharine Faull, ed. Masculinity, Senses, Spirit. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2011, 81-105.
  • “Introduction” in Paul Peucker and Heikki Lempa, eds. Self, Community, World: Moravian Education in a Transatlantic World. Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 2010, 15-30.
  • “Moravian Education in the Eighteenth-Century Context” in Paul Peucker and Heikki Lempa, eds. Self, Community, World: Moravian Education in a Transatlantic World. Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 2010, 269-89.
  • “Patriarchalism and Meritocracy. Evaluating Students in Late Eighteenth-Century Schnepfenthal.” Paedagogica Historica. International Journal of the History of Education, 6:2006, 727-49.
  • “The Spa: Emotional Economy and Social Classes in Nineteenth-Century Pyrmont.” Central European History, 1:2002, 37-73.
  • “Historia, tunteet ja instituutiot. Lähtökohtia tunteiden historiaan” in Timo Soikkanen, ed., JÄLJILLÄ. Kirjoituksia historian ongelmista. Vol. 1. Turku: Kirja-Aurora, 2000, 167-85.
  • “Bildung der Affekte. Der pädagogische Philanthropismus und die Entstehung des Bildungsbürgers” in Erich Donnert, ed., Europa in der Frühen Neuzeit. Vol. 4. Köln: Böhlau, 1997, 215-28.
  • “Dietetiikka, affektit ja ruumis. Saksalainen 1700-luvun filantropismi ja kasvatuskäytännön muutos” in Heikki Mikkeli and Timo Joutsivuo (eds.), Terveyden Lähteillä. Länsimaisen Terveyskäsitysten kulttuurihistoriaa. Helsinki: Suomen Historiallinen Seura, 1995, 121-49.
  • “Zur Bildungsgeschichte einer sächsischen Stadt—Wittenberg in den pädagogischen Umwälzungen des 18. Jahrhunderts” in Stefan Oehmig (ed.), 700 Jahre Wittenberg. Lokale, nationale und internationale Wirkungen. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 1995, 313-27.
  • “Peter Villaumes Gedanken von der Bildung der Triebe im Zusammenhang der Entstehung der deutschen Bildung” in Zwischen Wörlitz und Mosigkau. Heft 40 (1994), 24-27.